Similar to an earlier post (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=354&p=1288&hilit=soc#p1288), when SOC is used with GaN, the LO-TO splitting appears to vanish.
I used the GaN test case (with epsil=true and lpolar=true) and added SOC tags (lspinorb and noncolin) to all the scf and nscf files. I used fully relativistic PSPs Ga.rel-pz-n-nc.UPF and N.rel-pz-nc.UPF.
To ensure that EPW (version 4.1) reads the dielectric tensor, I added the following write statements in io_dynmat2.f90
Code: Select all
WRITE(*,*) "epsil=", epsil
WRITE(*,*) "zstareu(:,:,:)=", zstareu(:,:,:)
END SUBROUTINE read_dyn_mat_header
In the output, I get the correct epsilon and zstareu. This shows that EPW reads the dyn.xml files correctly.
Then I added the following write statements in the dynwan2bloch.f90 to see what epsi and zstar values enter the rgd_blk subroutine:
Code: Select all
IF (lpolar) THEN
! xq has to be in 2pi/a
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
WRITE(*,*) "epsi=",epsi
WRITE(*,*) "zstar=",zstar
CALL rgd_blk (nq1,nq2,nq3,nat,chf,xq,tau,epsi,zstar,+1.d0)
In the output, for all q values in the list, the epsi and zstar matrices are all zero.
I may be missing something here but it seems that when using SOC (xml extension for .dyn files), the dielectric matrix and charges are read correctly but not broadcast.
Thank you,
Vahid Askarpour
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada