sponce wrote:Hello,
Intelmpi is a big more challenging.
Mabye you can try ifort17 + openmpi ?
For intel+impi I can suggest:
1) Is QE and especially ph.x ok? Does ph.x run correctly in parallel ?
2) you can try to go in EPW/src/ and do "make" there and then try to use the executable directly from EPW/src/epw.x
3) When you run in sequential, you might have to do something like
mpirun -np 1 ../../../src/epw.x -npool 1 < epw_iso_real.in > epw_iso_real.out
Indeed since the code is compiled in parallel it might not work by doing directly ./epw.x
Dear Samuel,
Thank you so much for reply.
I am wondering why intel+intelmpi could be a challenge? I compiled QE6.1 with intel parallel studio, and run for several months without any problem. Besides on the test farm page of EPW
http://epw.org.uk/Main/TestFarm I clearly see intel+intelmmpi combination.
I tried all your suggestion:
1. the ph.x runs correctly in both serial and parallel mode.
2. directly make under EPW/src and use EPW/src/epw.x doesn't make any difference.
3. mpirun -np 1 ../../../src/epw.x -npool 1 < epw_iso_real.in > epw_iso_real.out also doesn't work. It just output simpler error message "application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0" only.
I may need to emphasize that epw_iso.in actually works. So I think the fact that epw_iso.in work while epw_iso_real.in fails is the key to analyze what is wrong.
And I just found I missed something important, there is a CRASH file generated in the folder saying
task # 0
from epw_readin : error # 19
reading input_epw namelist
Does it means that epw_iso_real.in has bug? I found that for example elinterp, phinterp actually not defined in EPW documentation page, but they appeared in epw_iso_real.in
So it turns out that it may not be the problem of mpi. So I need a confirmation. Does EPW/tests shipped with QE6.1 has bug or not?
Thank you so much for help.