In transport.f90, the transition probability is defined as
Code: Select all
! transition probability
! (2 pi/hbar) * (k+q-point weight) * g2 *
! { [f(E_k+q) + n(w_q)] * delta[E_k - E_k+q + w_q] +
! [1 - f(E_k+q) + n(w_q)] * delta[E_k - E_k+q - w_q] }
However, in Eq. 3 in PRB76, 165108, 2007, the first term in the delta function is emission and the second term is absorption.
Is there a convention difference between the EPW code and the PRB76 paper?
Vahid Askarpour
Department of physics and atmospheric science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Canada