I want to calculate electronic self energy for some 2D materials using EPW 4.0.
But, I cannot get resonable result for 2D materials.
First time, I try to run this code using example (EPW/testst/Inputs/t01), I could get same result compare to Refs.
And, I run this code for a bulk silicon, I also get resonable result.
(I can plot a correct band structure using linewidth.elself file in both cases)
But, I test this code for a graphene, I got unphysical result.
(Also I can plot a band structure using linewidth.elself file. But the band structure is wrong)
I checked my output file, I find that "WF centre and spread" is not converged, in graphene.wout file
I try to some test changing input option (proj, dis_mix_ratio), but I cannot get converged value.
I don't know what is wrong in my input file.
Could you please give me some tips or example using EPW4.0 for 2D materials?
With best regards,
Seungjun Lee.
Code: Select all
############## graphene.wout ##################
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<-- CONV
| Iter Delta Spread RMS Gradient Spread (Ang^2) Time |<-- CONV
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<-- CONV
0 0.702E+03 0.0000000000 701.8628183025 19.23 <-- CONV
1 -0.678E+02 83.9381167195 634.0914986042 19.24 <-- CONV
2 -0.494E+02 60.0839851770 584.6450389953 19.25 <-- CONV
3 -0.381E+02 63.3536083613 546.5396878428 19.25 <-- CONV
297 0.368E+01 147.4933146472 221.8698468338 20.92 <-- CONV
298 0.430E+00 62.9800156447 222.2996362739 20.93 <-- CONV
299 -0.218E+01 41.2376546125 220.1232541305 20.94 <-- CONV
300 -0.170E+01 20.5509863985 218.4280169276 20.94 <-- CONV
############### epw_scf.in ##################
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'graphene'
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
wf_collect = .false.
pseudo_dir = './'
outdir = './'
tprnfor = .true.
tstress = .true.
ibrav = 4
a = 2.467625
c = 20
nat = 2
ntyp = 1
ecutwfc = 60
occupations = 'smearing'
smearing = 'mp'
degauss = 0.02
nbnd = 4
diagonalization = 'david'
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1.0d-20
C 12.01078 C.pbe-nc.UPF
C 0.3333333333 0.6666666666 0.00
C 0.6666666666 0.3333333333 0.00
K_POINTS automatic
6 6 1 0 0 0
############### epw.in ##################
prefix = 'graphene'
amass(1) = 12.01078
outdir = './'
iverbosity = 0
elph = .true.
epbwrite = .true.
epbread = .false.
epwwrite = .true.
epwread = .false.
nbndsub = 8
nbndskip = 0
wannierize = .true.
num_iter = 300
iprint = 2
! dis_win_max = 12
! dis_froz_max= -9
proj(1) = 'C:sp2;pz'
wdata(1) = 'dis_mix_ratio = 0.2'
elinterp = .true.
phinterp = .true.
tshuffle2 = .true.
tphases = .false.
elecselfen = .ture.
phonselfen = .false.
a2f = .false.
parallel_k = .true.
parallel_q = .false.
fsthick = 15 ! eV
eptemp = 300 ! K (same as PRB 76, 165108)
degaussw = 1.0! eV
dvscf_dir = './save'
filukk = './graphene.ukk'
filkf = './path.dat'
nqf1 = 30
nqf2 = 30
nqf3 = 1
nk1 = 6
nk2 = 6
nk3 = 1
nq1 = 6
nq2 = 6
nq3 = 1
7 cartesian
0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0555556
0.0000000 0.1924501 0.0000000 0.3333333
0.0000000 0.3849002 0.0000000 0.3333333
0.0000000 -0.5773503 0.0000000 0.1666667
0.1666667 0.2886751 0.0000000 0.3333333
0.1666667 0.4811252 0.0000000 0.6666667
0.3333333 0.5773503 0.0000000 0.1111111