I'm new to EPW and trying to learn it. As I was checking the examples I'm having some trouble with the "wannierize" part, as I'm not quite familiar with the "Wannier90" code. I'm consulting the Wannier90 docs, but it will be a great help if someone give me a brief description of the following input keywords (I'm using the input from EPW/examples/mgb2):
You can see it as follow: - nbnd is the number of band that you have in your nscf calculations, say 40 - nbndskip is the number of bands you skip from the bottom for the Wannierization, say 10 - nbndsub is the number of band you include in your Wannierization from the bottom, say 30. In this example, the Wannierization will be done only on band 11-30.
- dis_froz_max is the energy window used for disentanglement. For an explanation of disentanglement, please refer to the Wannier doc.
Prof. Samuel Poncé
Chercheur qualifié F.R.S.-FNRS / Professeur UCLouvain
Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
UCLouvain, Belgium
Web: https://www.samuelponce.com
I'm trying to perform a calculation with my system consulting MgB2 example, Wannier90 doc and what you have told. The job terminates without any error after writing the .epb files.