Dear all, I have carefully followed the steps to compile EPW from the qe-6.1 package. However, the compilation stops during the last step (make epw) while trying to compile the wannier90 library. The compilation stops with:
to get the binary inside the QE/bin folder if you want or directly use the binary from EPW/src/epw.x
Let me know if this works for you.
Prof. Samuel Poncé
Chercheur qualifié F.R.S.-FNRS / Professeur UCLouvain
Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
UCLouvain, Belgium
Hi Sam, This procedure did not solve the problem, but I think I found a work around. I downloaded Wannier90 on its own and extracted the package inside qe-6.1, so now the directory wannier90-2.1.0 seems to have all the important files, including the Makefile and the src directory.
The compilation of wannier90 went through, but then I encountered a different problem. The compilation stopped with
I solved this problem by editing the file EPW/src/Makefile and removing epw.o from the list of EPWOBJS that are used to generate the library. Then the compilation succeded.
Something must have gone wrong during the download of the Wannier90 tar file since it should be the same link as when you do a direct download from their website.
Glad to hear that you solved it.
I have removed the duplicated "epw.o" in EPWOJBS. Thank you!.
Prof. Samuel Poncé
Chercheur qualifié F.R.S.-FNRS / Professeur UCLouvain
Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
UCLouvain, Belgium