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Momentum-resolved electron-phonon coupling

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:18 am
by sdwang
Dear all,
I need to obtain the momentum-resolved EPC for my 2D system, and in my out putfile of epw, I got something like:

Electron-phonon vertex |g| (meV)

iq = 381 coord.: 0.5000000 0.0000000 0.5000000
ik = 1 coord.: 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
ibnd jbnd imode enk[eV] enk+q[eV] omega(q)[meV] |g|[meV]
3 3 1 -4.4148 -5.5910 5.8846 0.2404136269E+02
3 3 2 -4.4148 -5.5910 5.8846 0.2404136269E+02
3 3 3 -4.4148 -5.5910 8.1142 0.4668187795E+01
How could I get the 2D momentum-resolved EPC from the output?


