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Deformation potential

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 12:38 pm
by mmkhatami
Dear all,

I need deformation potential values for every phonon branch in high symmetry points. I was wondering if there is any possible way to calculate it.
I have seen in the Phonon user guide that the ph.x can calculate it but I couldn't find them in output files. Also in "Elec-?ph. and ph.-?ph. coupling in semiconductors and bismuth, theoretical approaches" the document of QE developers meeting 2016, the CALC_ISDP option in the subroutine calc_isdp.f90 can derive them too which I couldn't find the subroutine and I think it has not been implemented in QE yet and I was wondering if there is any test version of it.

Mohammad Mahdi Khatami
Tarbiat Modares University

Re: Deformation potential

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 9:19 am
by sponce
Dear Mohammad,

It is not natively implemented in EPW.
Probably the best for you is to ask on the QE mailing list.

Best wishes,