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Weird error when compiling EPW-4.2

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 6:14 pm
by eliephys78
Dear all,

i am trying to compile epw to produce the executable epw.x . I have successfully compiled qe-6.1 (from EPW/src directory) and all executables (pw.x, ph.x,.....) were produced. However when I execute "make epw", the compilation starts but thn stops with the following error:

mpiifort -O2 -assume byterecl -g -traceback -qopenmp -nomodule -qopenmp -fpp -D__OPENMP -D__DFTI -D__MPI -D__SCALAPACK -I../../include -I../../iotk/src -I../../Modules -I../../LAXlib -I../../iotk/src -I../../FFTXlib -I../../PW/src -I../../LR_Modules -I../../PHonon/PH -I../../PP/src/ -I. -I../../wannier90-2.1.0/src/obj/ -c epw.f90
epw.f90(32): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [ELPH2]
USE elph2, ONLY : elph
epw.f90(149): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name. [ELPH]
IF ( elph ) THEN
epw.f90(149): error #6341: A logical data type is required in this context. [ELPH]
IF ( elph ) THEN
epw.f90(32): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist. [ELPH]
USE elph2, ONLY : elph
compilation aborted for epw.f90 (code 1)

Can anyone give me any idea of why this is happening?

OBS: I have substituted the epw.f90 and elphon_shuffle_wrap.f90 files by those provided on the EPW page (using wget.....)

Thank you in advance

Elie Moujaes
University of Rondonia,

Re: Weird error when compiling EPW-4.2

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:03 pm
by sponce

Are you sure you did exactly all the test in

In the last step, instead of "make epw" you can go into the EPW/src directory and do "make" directly in the directory.

Also, are you sure of

If your "wget" creates a new file like "epw.f90.1" then you need to do "mv epw.f90.1 epw.f90" to replace the file.

Edit: I just re-checked that the download information are correct and it works for me with gcc here.

Re: Weird error when compiling EPW-4.2

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:19 pm
by eliephys78
Dear Samuel,

Thanks for your reply. The mistake was mine: I executed "make epw" in the EPW instead of the qe-6.1 directory which was the cause of the error. It is fixed now.
