superconducting gap on Fermi surface
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:00 am
Dear all
I plot the XX.fs.frmsf and XX.imag_aniso_gap0_005.00.frmsf files using the Fermisurfer program. They are different in bands. Does the XX.imag_aniso_gap0_005.00.frmsf file plot some gaps not on the Fermi surface or these gaps are not convergent? I think the Fermi surface shoud be same plot by these two files. Fig. 1 is ploted by XX.fs.frmsf, Fig. 2 is ploted by XX.imag_aniso_gap0_005.00.frmsf.
I plot the XX.fs.frmsf and XX.imag_aniso_gap0_005.00.frmsf files using the Fermisurfer program. They are different in bands. Does the XX.imag_aniso_gap0_005.00.frmsf file plot some gaps not on the Fermi surface or these gaps are not convergent? I think the Fermi surface shoud be same plot by these two files. Fig. 1 is ploted by XX.fs.frmsf, Fig. 2 is ploted by XX.imag_aniso_gap0_005.00.frmsf.