Error in routine read_ephmat (1): Error allocating g2
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:43 am
A runtime error occurs when I calculate the superconducting gap using epw.v5.4. I encounter this error when I use nk=32*32*32 and nq=16*16*16 to calculate it, while using nk=32*32*32nq=8*8*8 does not, I need to use a denser interpolation to solve superconducting gap , how can I fix this error?
prefix = 'XX',
amass(1) = X,
amass(2) = X,
outdir = './'
dvscf_dir = './save'
ep_coupling = .true. ! If .true. run e-ph coupling calculation.
elph = .true. ! If .true. calculate e-ph coefficients.
epwwrite = .true.
epwread = .false.
max_memlt = 15
etf_mem = 1
fermi_plot = .true. ! If .true., write Fermi surface files (in .cube format with VESTA)
wannierize = .true.
nbndsub = 104,
bands_skipped = 'exclude_bands = 111:140'
num_iter = 1000
dis_froz_min= 1
dis_froz_max= 12.5
proj(1) = 'B:s;p'
wdata(1) = 'num_bands = 110'
wdata(2) = 'dis_num_iter = 1000'
wdata(3) = 'dis_win_min = -8.8'
wdata(4) = 'dis_win_max = 25'
wdata(5) = 'bands_plot = .true.'
wdata(6) = 'begin kpoint_path'
wdata(7) = 'X 0.500 -0.500 0.500 G 0.000 0.000 0.000'
wdata(8) = 'G 0.000 0.000 0.000 R 0.000 0.500 0.000'
wdata(9) = 'R 0.000 0.500 0.000 W 0.250 0.250 0.250'
wdata(10) = 'W 0.250 0.250 0.250 S 0.500 0.000 0.000'
wdata(11) = 'S 0.500 0.000 0.000 G 0.000 0.000 0.000'
wdata(12) = 'G 0.000 0.000 0.000 T 0.000 0.000 0.500'
wdata(13) = 'T 0.000 0.000 0.500 W 0.250 0.250 0.250'
wdata(14) = 'end kpoint_path'
wdata(15) = 'bands_plot_format = gnuplot'
iverbosity = 2
ephwrite = .true. ! Writes .ephmat files used when Eliasberg = .true.
fsthick = 0.5 ! eV
degaussw = 0.05 ! eV
degaussq = 0.05 ! meV
eliashberg = .true. !If .true. solve the Eliashberg equations and/or calculate the Eliashberg
laniso = .true.
limag = .true.
lpade = .true.
npade = 40
conv_thr_iaxis = 1.0d-3
wscut = 0.5 ! eV Upper limit over frequency integration/summation in the Elisashberg eq
nstemp = 1 ! Nr. of temps
temps = 40 ! K provide list of temperetures OR (nstemp and temps = tempsmin tempsmax for even space mode)
nsiter = 800
muc = 0.10
nk1 = 4
nk2 = 4
nk3 = 4
nq1 = 4
nq2 = 4
nq3 = 4
mp_mesh_k = .true.
nkf1 = 32
nkf2 = 32
nkf3 = 32
nqf1 = 16
nqf2 = 16
nqf3 = 16
Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = 104
Use zone-centred Wigner-Seitz cells
Number of WS vectors for electrons 79
Number of WS vectors for phonons 79
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 79
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 7110
Results may improve by using use_ws == .TRUE.
Velocity matrix elements calculated
Bloch2wane: 1 / 64
Bloch2wane: 2 / 64
Bloch2wane: 3 / 64
Bloch2wane: 4 / 64
Bloch2wane: 5 / 64
Bloch2wane: 6 / 64
Bloch2wane: 7 / 64
Bloch2wane: 8 / 64
Bloch2wane: 9 / 64
Bloch2wane: 10 / 64
Bloch2wane: 11 / 64
Bloch2wane: 12 / 64
Bloch2wane: 13 / 64
Bloch2wane: 14 / 64
Bloch2wane: 15 / 64
Bloch2wane: 16 / 64
Bloch2wane: 17 / 64
Bloch2wane: 18 / 64
Bloch2wane: 19 / 64
Bloch2wane: 20 / 64
Bloch2wane: 21 / 64
Bloch2wane: 22 / 64
Bloch2wane: 23 / 64
Bloch2wane: 24 / 64
Bloch2wane: 25 / 64
Bloch2wane: 26 / 64
Bloch2wane: 27 / 64
Bloch2wane: 28 / 64
Bloch2wane: 29 / 64
Bloch2wane: 30 / 64
Bloch2wane: 31 / 64
Bloch2wane: 32 / 64
Bloch2wane: 33 / 64
Bloch2wane: 34 / 64
Bloch2wane: 35 / 64
Bloch2wane: 36 / 64
Bloch2wane: 37 / 64
Bloch2wane: 38 / 64
Bloch2wane: 39 / 64
Bloch2wane: 40 / 64
Bloch2wane: 41 / 64
Bloch2wane: 42 / 64
Bloch2wane: 43 / 64
Bloch2wane: 44 / 64
Bloch2wane: 45 / 64
Bloch2wane: 46 / 64
Bloch2wane: 47 / 64
Bloch2wane: 48 / 64
Bloch2wane: 49 / 64
Bloch2wane: 50 / 64
Bloch2wane: 51 / 64
Bloch2wane: 52 / 64
Bloch2wane: 53 / 64
Bloch2wane: 54 / 64
Bloch2wane: 55 / 64
Bloch2wane: 56 / 64
Bloch2wane: 57 / 64
Bloch2wane: 58 / 64
Bloch2wane: 59 / 64
Bloch2wane: 60 / 64
Bloch2wane: 61 / 64
Bloch2wane: 62 / 64
Bloch2wane: 63 / 64
Bloch2wane: 64 / 64
Bloch2wanp: 1 / 2
Bloch2wanp: 2 / 2
Writing Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep to file
Memory usage: VmHWM = 6472Mb
VmPeak = 7217Mb
Using uniform q-mesh: 16 16 16
Size of q point mesh for interpolation: 4096
Using uniform MP k-mesh: 32 32 32
Size of k point mesh for interpolation: 9010
Max number of k points per pool: 188
Fermi energy coarse grid = 6.273208 eV
Fermi energy is calculated from the fine k-mesh: Ef = 6.243891 eV
ibndmin = 43 ebndmin = 5.744 eV
ibndmax = 48 ebndmax = 6.743 eV
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 304560 ~= 2.32 Mb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Number selected, total 100 100
Number selected, total 200 200
Number selected, total 300 300
Number selected, total 400 400
Number selected, total 500 500
Number selected, total 600 600
Number selected, total 700 700
Number selected, total 800 800
Number selected, total 900 900
Number selected, total 1000 1000
Number selected, total 1100 1100
Number selected, total 1200 1200
Number selected, total 1300 1300
Number selected, total 1400 1400
Number selected, total 1500 1500
Number selected, total 1600 1600
Number selected, total 1700 1700
Number selected, total 1800 1800
Number selected, total 1900 1900
Number selected, total 2000 2000
Number selected, total 2100 2100
Number selected, total 2200 2200
Number selected, total 2300 2300
Number selected, total 2400 2400
Number selected, total 2500 2500
Number selected, total 2600 2600
Number selected, total 2700 2700
Number selected, total 2800 2800
Number selected, total 2900 2900
Number selected, total 3000 3000
Number selected, total 3100 3100
Number selected, total 3200 3200
Number selected, total 3300 3300
Number selected, total 3400 3400
Number selected, total 3500 3500
Number selected, total 3600 3600
Number selected, total 3700 3700
Number selected, total 3800 3800
Number selected, total 3900 3900
Number selected, total 4000 4000
We only need to compute 4096 q-points
Nr. of irreducible k-points on the uniform grid: 4505
Finish mapping k+sign*q onto the fine irreducibe k-mesh and writing .ikmap file
Nr irreducible k-points within the Fermi shell = 4505 out of 4505
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1000/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2000/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3000/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 4000/ 4096
Fermi level (eV) = 0.624389061127495D+01
DOS(states/spin/eV/Unit Cell) = 0.383575213922023D+01
Electron smearing (eV) = 0.500000000000000D-01
Fermi window (eV) = 0.500000000000000D+00
Finish writing .ephmat files
Memory usage: VmHWM = 6472Mb
VmPeak = 7217Mb
Fermi surface calculation on fine mesh
Fermi level (eV) = 6.243891
6 bands within the Fermi window
Solve anisotropic Eliashberg equations
Finish reading freq file
Fermi level (eV) = 6.2438906113E+00
DOS(states/spin/eV/Unit Cell) = 3.8357521392E+00
Electron smearing (eV) = 5.0000000000E-02
Fermi window (eV) = 5.0000000000E-01
Nr irreducible k-points within the Fermi shell = 4505 out of 4505
6 bands within the Fermi window
Finish reading egnv file
Max nr of q-points = 4096
Finish reading ikmap files
Size of allocated memory per pool: ~= 9.4353 Gb
Error in routine read_ephmat (1):
Error allocating g2
stopping ...
Error in routine read_ephmat (1):
Error allocating g2
stopping ...
#SBATCH -J pwscf
#SBATCH -n 48
#SBATCH -p max
#SBATCH --error=%J.err
#SBATCH --output=%J.out
#SBATCH --reservation=baij_18
module load intel/2017u5
mpirun /data/software/qe/qe6.8/bin/pw.x -npool 12 < > scf.out
mpirun /data/software/qe/qe6.8/bin/pw.x -npool 12 < > nscf.out
mpirun /data/software/qe/qe6.8/bin/epw.x -npool 48 < > epw.out
prefix = 'XX',
amass(1) = X,
amass(2) = X,
outdir = './'
dvscf_dir = './save'
ep_coupling = .true. ! If .true. run e-ph coupling calculation.
elph = .true. ! If .true. calculate e-ph coefficients.
epwwrite = .true.
epwread = .false.
max_memlt = 15
etf_mem = 1
fermi_plot = .true. ! If .true., write Fermi surface files (in .cube format with VESTA)
wannierize = .true.
nbndsub = 104,
bands_skipped = 'exclude_bands = 111:140'
num_iter = 1000
dis_froz_min= 1
dis_froz_max= 12.5
proj(1) = 'B:s;p'
wdata(1) = 'num_bands = 110'
wdata(2) = 'dis_num_iter = 1000'
wdata(3) = 'dis_win_min = -8.8'
wdata(4) = 'dis_win_max = 25'
wdata(5) = 'bands_plot = .true.'
wdata(6) = 'begin kpoint_path'
wdata(7) = 'X 0.500 -0.500 0.500 G 0.000 0.000 0.000'
wdata(8) = 'G 0.000 0.000 0.000 R 0.000 0.500 0.000'
wdata(9) = 'R 0.000 0.500 0.000 W 0.250 0.250 0.250'
wdata(10) = 'W 0.250 0.250 0.250 S 0.500 0.000 0.000'
wdata(11) = 'S 0.500 0.000 0.000 G 0.000 0.000 0.000'
wdata(12) = 'G 0.000 0.000 0.000 T 0.000 0.000 0.500'
wdata(13) = 'T 0.000 0.000 0.500 W 0.250 0.250 0.250'
wdata(14) = 'end kpoint_path'
wdata(15) = 'bands_plot_format = gnuplot'
iverbosity = 2
ephwrite = .true. ! Writes .ephmat files used when Eliasberg = .true.
fsthick = 0.5 ! eV
degaussw = 0.05 ! eV
degaussq = 0.05 ! meV
eliashberg = .true. !If .true. solve the Eliashberg equations and/or calculate the Eliashberg
laniso = .true.
limag = .true.
lpade = .true.
npade = 40
conv_thr_iaxis = 1.0d-3
wscut = 0.5 ! eV Upper limit over frequency integration/summation in the Elisashberg eq
nstemp = 1 ! Nr. of temps
temps = 40 ! K provide list of temperetures OR (nstemp and temps = tempsmin tempsmax for even space mode)
nsiter = 800
muc = 0.10
nk1 = 4
nk2 = 4
nk3 = 4
nq1 = 4
nq2 = 4
nq3 = 4
mp_mesh_k = .true.
nkf1 = 32
nkf2 = 32
nkf3 = 32
nqf1 = 16
nqf2 = 16
nqf3 = 16
Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = 104
Use zone-centred Wigner-Seitz cells
Number of WS vectors for electrons 79
Number of WS vectors for phonons 79
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 79
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 7110
Results may improve by using use_ws == .TRUE.
Velocity matrix elements calculated
Bloch2wane: 1 / 64
Bloch2wane: 2 / 64
Bloch2wane: 3 / 64
Bloch2wane: 4 / 64
Bloch2wane: 5 / 64
Bloch2wane: 6 / 64
Bloch2wane: 7 / 64
Bloch2wane: 8 / 64
Bloch2wane: 9 / 64
Bloch2wane: 10 / 64
Bloch2wane: 11 / 64
Bloch2wane: 12 / 64
Bloch2wane: 13 / 64
Bloch2wane: 14 / 64
Bloch2wane: 15 / 64
Bloch2wane: 16 / 64
Bloch2wane: 17 / 64
Bloch2wane: 18 / 64
Bloch2wane: 19 / 64
Bloch2wane: 20 / 64
Bloch2wane: 21 / 64
Bloch2wane: 22 / 64
Bloch2wane: 23 / 64
Bloch2wane: 24 / 64
Bloch2wane: 25 / 64
Bloch2wane: 26 / 64
Bloch2wane: 27 / 64
Bloch2wane: 28 / 64
Bloch2wane: 29 / 64
Bloch2wane: 30 / 64
Bloch2wane: 31 / 64
Bloch2wane: 32 / 64
Bloch2wane: 33 / 64
Bloch2wane: 34 / 64
Bloch2wane: 35 / 64
Bloch2wane: 36 / 64
Bloch2wane: 37 / 64
Bloch2wane: 38 / 64
Bloch2wane: 39 / 64
Bloch2wane: 40 / 64
Bloch2wane: 41 / 64
Bloch2wane: 42 / 64
Bloch2wane: 43 / 64
Bloch2wane: 44 / 64
Bloch2wane: 45 / 64
Bloch2wane: 46 / 64
Bloch2wane: 47 / 64
Bloch2wane: 48 / 64
Bloch2wane: 49 / 64
Bloch2wane: 50 / 64
Bloch2wane: 51 / 64
Bloch2wane: 52 / 64
Bloch2wane: 53 / 64
Bloch2wane: 54 / 64
Bloch2wane: 55 / 64
Bloch2wane: 56 / 64
Bloch2wane: 57 / 64
Bloch2wane: 58 / 64
Bloch2wane: 59 / 64
Bloch2wane: 60 / 64
Bloch2wane: 61 / 64
Bloch2wane: 62 / 64
Bloch2wane: 63 / 64
Bloch2wane: 64 / 64
Bloch2wanp: 1 / 2
Bloch2wanp: 2 / 2
Writing Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep to file
Memory usage: VmHWM = 6472Mb
VmPeak = 7217Mb
Using uniform q-mesh: 16 16 16
Size of q point mesh for interpolation: 4096
Using uniform MP k-mesh: 32 32 32
Size of k point mesh for interpolation: 9010
Max number of k points per pool: 188
Fermi energy coarse grid = 6.273208 eV
Fermi energy is calculated from the fine k-mesh: Ef = 6.243891 eV
ibndmin = 43 ebndmin = 5.744 eV
ibndmax = 48 ebndmax = 6.743 eV
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 304560 ~= 2.32 Mb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Number selected, total 100 100
Number selected, total 200 200
Number selected, total 300 300
Number selected, total 400 400
Number selected, total 500 500
Number selected, total 600 600
Number selected, total 700 700
Number selected, total 800 800
Number selected, total 900 900
Number selected, total 1000 1000
Number selected, total 1100 1100
Number selected, total 1200 1200
Number selected, total 1300 1300
Number selected, total 1400 1400
Number selected, total 1500 1500
Number selected, total 1600 1600
Number selected, total 1700 1700
Number selected, total 1800 1800
Number selected, total 1900 1900
Number selected, total 2000 2000
Number selected, total 2100 2100
Number selected, total 2200 2200
Number selected, total 2300 2300
Number selected, total 2400 2400
Number selected, total 2500 2500
Number selected, total 2600 2600
Number selected, total 2700 2700
Number selected, total 2800 2800
Number selected, total 2900 2900
Number selected, total 3000 3000
Number selected, total 3100 3100
Number selected, total 3200 3200
Number selected, total 3300 3300
Number selected, total 3400 3400
Number selected, total 3500 3500
Number selected, total 3600 3600
Number selected, total 3700 3700
Number selected, total 3800 3800
Number selected, total 3900 3900
Number selected, total 4000 4000
We only need to compute 4096 q-points
Nr. of irreducible k-points on the uniform grid: 4505
Finish mapping k+sign*q onto the fine irreducibe k-mesh and writing .ikmap file
Nr irreducible k-points within the Fermi shell = 4505 out of 4505
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1000/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 1900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2000/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 2900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3000/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3100/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3200/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3300/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3400/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3500/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3600/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3700/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3800/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 3900/ 4096
Progression iq (fine) = 4000/ 4096
Fermi level (eV) = 0.624389061127495D+01
DOS(states/spin/eV/Unit Cell) = 0.383575213922023D+01
Electron smearing (eV) = 0.500000000000000D-01
Fermi window (eV) = 0.500000000000000D+00
Finish writing .ephmat files
Memory usage: VmHWM = 6472Mb
VmPeak = 7217Mb
Fermi surface calculation on fine mesh
Fermi level (eV) = 6.243891
6 bands within the Fermi window
Solve anisotropic Eliashberg equations
Finish reading freq file
Fermi level (eV) = 6.2438906113E+00
DOS(states/spin/eV/Unit Cell) = 3.8357521392E+00
Electron smearing (eV) = 5.0000000000E-02
Fermi window (eV) = 5.0000000000E-01
Nr irreducible k-points within the Fermi shell = 4505 out of 4505
6 bands within the Fermi window
Finish reading egnv file
Max nr of q-points = 4096
Finish reading ikmap files
Size of allocated memory per pool: ~= 9.4353 Gb
Error in routine read_ephmat (1):
Error allocating g2
stopping ...
Error in routine read_ephmat (1):
Error allocating g2
stopping ...
#SBATCH -J pwscf
#SBATCH -n 48
#SBATCH -p max
#SBATCH --error=%J.err
#SBATCH --output=%J.out
#SBATCH --reservation=baij_18
module load intel/2017u5
mpirun /data/software/qe/qe6.8/bin/pw.x -npool 12 < > scf.out
mpirun /data/software/qe/qe6.8/bin/pw.x -npool 12 < > nscf.out
mpirun /data/software/qe/qe6.8/bin/epw.x -npool 48 < > epw.out