Error when plotting MLWFs with epw v5.2.0 (qe-6.5)
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 5:25 pm
Dear all,
I try to plot the MLWFs for MgB2, by setting wdata(1) ='wannier_plot = .true.' and write_wfn=.true. in the input file.
However, the program crashes. A single file named 'UNK00001.1' is created in the workdir.
The error reported by the code is 'forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data'.
I have used the same input parameters to successfully plot the MLWFs for MgB2 with qe-6.1.
It is noticed that the UNK files are pool-dependent in qe-6.1, not a single file as in qe-6.5.
Btw, in qe-6.4.1, the same problem is also encountered.
Could you please tell me how to fix this problem?
Best wishes,
Miao Gao
I try to plot the MLWFs for MgB2, by setting wdata(1) ='wannier_plot = .true.' and write_wfn=.true. in the input file.
However, the program crashes. A single file named 'UNK00001.1' is created in the workdir.
The error reported by the code is 'forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data'.
I have used the same input parameters to successfully plot the MLWFs for MgB2 with qe-6.1.
It is noticed that the UNK files are pool-dependent in qe-6.1, not a single file as in qe-6.5.
Btw, in qe-6.4.1, the same problem is also encountered.
Could you please tell me how to fix this problem?
Best wishes,
Miao Gao