Dear all,
I met the same problem with QE-6.8. The code stops at:
Use zone-centred Wigner-Seitz cells
Number of WS vectors for electrons 601
Number of WS vectors for phonons 157
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 157
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 2826
Results may improve by using use_ws == .TRUE.
Error in routine ktokpmq (1):
k+q does not fall on k-grid
stopping ...
After locating and modifying the subroutine ktokpmq in kfold.f90 as suggested above, I checked the values of variables "xxk", "xx" in:
Code: Select all
! now add the phonon wavevector and check that k+q falls again on the k grid
xxk = xxk + DBLE(sign) * xxq
xx = xxk(1) * nkc1
yy = xxk(2) * nkc2
zz = xxk(3) * nkc3
in_the_list = ABS(xx - NINT(xx)) <= eps5 .AND. &
ABS(yy - NINT(yy)) <= eps5 .AND. &
ABS(zz - NINT(zz)) <= eps5
IF (.NOT. in_the_list) CALL errore('ktokpmq', 'k+q does not fall on k-grid', 1)
It seems the xxk is slightly away from desirable grid point value. For example, xxk is 0.08333288940037246, which is slightly smaller than 1/12 (I used a 24x24x1 grid). When multiplied by nkc1=24, the error is magnified and exceeds eps5. By replacing eps5 by a larger cutoff eps4, the code runs well so far.