a2f file is found and will be used to estimate initial gap
Finish reading a2f file
Electron-phonon coupling strength = 1.6514433
Estimated Allen-Dynes Tc = 3.105056 K for muc = 0.10000
Estimated w_log in Allen-Dynes Tc = 2.153136 meV
Estimated BCS superconducting gap = 0.470929 meV
Estimated Tc from machine learning model = 4.895778 K
With this given lambda (el-ph strength)=1.6514433, w_log= 2.153136 meV and mu*=0.1, I am not getting Tc= 3.105056 K. Could anyone clarify where I am misinterpreting? Is this lambda (1.6514433), given by Migdal-Eliashberg approach, is different from Allen-dynes lambda? Or w_log is something different?
I am attaching a figure where the Allen-Dynes formula for Tc is given.
Thank you for your response.
Screenshot from 2024-12-11 13-32-06.png (12.04 KiB) Viewed 4748 times
I noticed that w_log is in meV while it should be in Kelvin. Could anyone tell what is the conversion formula for logarithmic average of omega? Is it E = kB.T?
Also, I noticed that from QE calculations I am getting lambda close to 1 while EPW gives 1.65. Why there is a discrepancy?
Additionally, a2F.dos also print lambda at the end of the file which is 0.77, again a discrepancies. Which one should I consider?
The w_log unit in EPW is indeed correct and expressed in meV. When converted to Kelvin, w_log is 24.976 K. The w_log expression depends on electron-phonon coupling strength, which differs between EPW and QE in your case giving differences in w_log values. Using your formula, I estimated the Tc to be 3.1038 K, which matches exactly with the Tc printed in EPW output. Please recheck.
Regarding the discrepancy in electron-phonon coupling strength values between QE and EPW, it could likely be attributed to differences between k and q-grid sizes. Typically, QE uses coarser grids, whereas EPW relies on much finer grid sizes. You can also look at the paper by Hitoshi (Phy. Rev. B 110, 064505 (2024)), where he showed for Pb (Table 2) that the electron-phonon coupling strengths differ with grid sizes.
Last edited by Shashi on Sun Dec 15, 2024 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you for your reply and the reference. But isn't lambda is very large? In this paper by Allen and Dynes: https://journals.aps.org/prb/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevB.12.905 , it has been explained whenever lambda > 1.5 there is correction factor used in Allen dynes Tc. Is that factor taken into account for the EPW calculations which can explain lambda 1.65?
Thank you again.
The paper you mentioned discusses the scenarios for asymptotic Tc in the case of lambda < 1 and lambda > 1 in Sec. III. To clarify, there is no additional factor applied in EPW for calculating Allen-Dynes' Tc, and the equation used in EPW is the same as the one you shared. If you wish to obtain more accurate Tc values, I would recommend solving the Eliashberg equations, either using the isotropic or anisotropic formalism in EPW. This approach might be better to compare Tc with your semi-empirical estimation.