Guide for Noobs

General discussion around the EPW software

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Guide for Noobs

Post by 22PhDCPH02 »

Hello there.
I am new in this field. I just started working on Quantum Espresso. Through a paper[1], I came to know about EPW code (and wannier90). I want to know how to use it. Currently I am working on one of the examples provided in the QE package i.e, Pb. I have gone through the main website as well. As I have seen, there are a lot of videos and tutorials available for getting started with Quantum Espresso. Even if you don't have in-depth knowledge about the theory behind the code, you can still learn how to 'use' it by watching those videos or going through tutorials. But I have yet to find something like this for EPW. The input file description is not much helpful 'for me'.
Is there a guide/tutorial book/lecture notes etc. for people like me who are noobs in this field. Or could someone guide me on how I should learn it.
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:48 pm
Affiliation: UT Austin

Re: Guide for Noobs

Post by stiwari »


For EPW the documentation is available at This webpage contains all the theory as well as some examples which are easy to follow.
However, the best way to learn EPW and it's capabilities is to go through the contents provided during EPW schools. Here is the link to past held schools (
These tutorials have lecture slides and recorded videos for theory, and hands-on tutorials for practice.

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