Tutorial of phononlifetime

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Tutorial of phononlifetime

Post by Aa410733031 »

Dear EPW developers and Users,

I want to ask the output linewidth.phself.300.000K. I don't konw the column Phonon linewidth (meV) and I want to ask is this column is lifetime or linewidth.
If it is linewidth how can I cauculate lifetime in unite is fs?

# Phonon frequency and phonon lifetime in meV
# Q-point Mode Phonon freq (meV) Phonon linewidth (meV)
1 1 0.69384465E+02 0.5314822623E-17
1 2 0.69384465E+02 0.5314822623E-17
1 3 0.13370290E+03 0.2044110691E-16
1 4 0.14746641E+03 0.1809580999E-14
1 5 0.14746641E+03 0.1809580999E-14
1 6 0.15442670E+03 0.1028753314E-15
2 1 0.69377618E+02 0.7303986401E-17
2 2 0.69377731E+02 0.7303986401E-17
2 3 0.13367270E+03 0.1726504718E-16
2 4 0.14747155E+03 0.2152988621E-14
2 5 0.14747160E+03 0.2152988621E-14
2 6 0.15444155E+03 0.1107604323E-15
3 1 0.69357075E+02 0.7652555755E-17
3 2 0.69357523E+02 0.7652555755E-17
3 3 0.13358238E+03 0.1222961020E-16
3 4 0.14748689E+03 0.3141699408E-14
3 5 0.14748710E+03 0.3141699408E-14
3 6 0.15448583E+03 0.1224448487E-15
4 1 0.69322833E+02 0.5557792313E-17
4 2 0.69323827E+02 0.5557792313E-17
4 3 0.13343273E+03 0.6819892753E-17
4 4 0.14751230E+03 0.4394893413E-14
4 5 0.14751275E+03 0.4394893413E-14
4 6 0.15455871E+03 0.9896893451E-16
5 1 0.69274889E+02 0.5953276380E-17
5 2 0.69276619E+02 0.5953276380E-17
5 3 0.13322504E+03 0.2371231596E-17
5 4 0.14754751E+03 0.5516945572E-14
5 5 0.14754830E+03 0.5516945572E-14
5 6 0.15465889E+03 0.5509072945E-16
6 1 0.69213234E+02 0.4867608178E-16
6 2 0.69215864E+02 0.4867608178E-16
6 3 0.13296100E+03 -0.2894265124E-18
6 4 0.14759218E+03 0.7003247734E-14
6 5 0.14759339E+03 0.7003247734E-14
6 6 0.15478464E+03 0.1814227635E-16
7 1 0.69137860E+02 0.2625846374E-15
7 2 0.69141519E+02 0.2625846374E-15
7 3 0.13264258E+03 0.3837095367E-17

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Re: Tutorial of phononlifetime

Post by sponce »


It is indeed the Phonon linewidth, expressed in meV.
The factor to go from energy, expressed in Ry to a rate in 1/ps is 20670.6944033.

Best wishes,
Prof. Samuel Poncé
Chercheur qualifié F.R.S.-FNRS / Professeur UCLouvain
Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences
UCLouvain, Belgium
Web: https://www.samuelponce.com
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:52 pm
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Re: Tutorial of phononlifetime

Post by Aa410733031 »

Dear EPW developers and Users,
I want to ask why I try to draw the lifetime and the linewidth in the same picture.
The linewidth and the lifetime is twice the difference instead of 1.52

https://drive.google.com/file/d/175b-7o ... sp=sharing

the red is the mode 1 of lifetime.phself_34 and the black is my lifetime

I don't know where have error

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