I try to solve the Eliashberg equation at several temperatures by setting the tags as follows:
Code: Select all
laniso = .true.
limag = .true.
lpade = .true.
I found that the calculations under the four temperatures are all converged on the imaginary axis. After the calculations, however, I could not find the file "prefix.pade_aniso_gap0_001.50". By contrast, the files "prefix.pade_aniso_gap0_002.50", "prefix.pade_aniso_gap0_003.50" and "prefix.pade_aniso_gap0_004.50" can be found. I also find the related code to output the file in "eliashberg_aniso_cont_raxis.f90":
Code: Select all
IF ( errdelta .gt. 0.d0 ) THEN
conv = .true.
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i6,a,ES20.10,a,ES20.10,a,ES20.10)') 'pade = ', N, &
' error = ', errdelta, ' Re[Znorm(1)] = ', real(Znorm(1)), &
' Re[Delta(1)] = ', real(Delta(1))
cname = 'pade'
CALL eliashberg_write_cont_raxis( itemp, cname )
I would like to know why doesnot EPW output the file "prefix.pade_aniso_gap0_001.50", since the whole process of the calculation seems smooth. How can I get it? Can anyone help me?