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electron-phonon coupling at Gamma point

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 10:24 am
by attacc
Dear all

I have a simple question about the electron-phonon coupling at Gamma point.
In inhomogeneous systems, for example layered materials, the phonon frequencies and
the electron-phonon coupling at Gamma depend from the direction where they are calculated.

How this direction is decided in EPW?

Claudio Attaccalite

Re: electron-phonon coupling at Gamma point

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:13 am
by sponce
Dear Claudio,

Sorry for the very late reply.

Exactly at \Gamma, its not decided. The code returns the value of \omega and g without the non-analytical part (exactly what you get from a direct DFPT calculation at \Gamma).

For info, the tolerance on "exactly \Gamma" is 1E-8 in crystal unit.

Hope this helps,