Dear EPW experts,
I am using EPW calculations for some 2D materials, and I am facing some issue in the quasiparticle DOS. As we increase the temperature the peak in qDOS plot, Ns(w)/N_F should shift into the left indicating a reduction in the SC-gap. But I am seeing a reverse behavior. The peak is reducing and broadening but it shifting in the right. I am attaching the corressponding figure here. Any help and explanation will be appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Inconsistent behavior of quasiparticle DOS with increasing temperature
Moderator: stiwari
Inconsistent behavior of quasiparticle DOS with increasing temperature
- Attachments
- Screenshot from 2023-09-12 12-27-46.png (70.6 KiB) Viewed 22325 times
Re: Inconsistent behavior of quasiparticle DOS with increasing temperature
Hi Shubham,
It looks like your calculations are not converged with respect to number of Mastubara frequency points. What is the value of 'wscut' used (and 'nswi' at different temperature) in your calculations? As the temperature increases, the value of 'nswi' decreases with fixed 'wscut'. I recommend to run a test with fixed 'nsiw' (for example that corresponds to the value at 5 K with the wscut used in the present calculation). This can be done setting 'nswi' in your input file instead of 'wscut'.
I hope it helps.
Happy EPWing,
It looks like your calculations are not converged with respect to number of Mastubara frequency points. What is the value of 'wscut' used (and 'nswi' at different temperature) in your calculations? As the temperature increases, the value of 'nswi' decreases with fixed 'wscut'. I recommend to run a test with fixed 'nsiw' (for example that corresponds to the value at 5 K with the wscut used in the present calculation). This can be done setting 'nswi' in your input file instead of 'wscut'.
I hope it helps.
Happy EPWing,
Re: Inconsistent behavior of quasiparticle DOS with increasing temperature
Hello Hari,
Thank you for your email.
The following are my parameters (wscut = 0.4):
'nswi' is different for different temperatures and it is decreasing with increasing the temperature. As you suggested I will remove 'wscut' and do my calculations with fixed 'nswi'.
As you may see I set ' conv_thr_iaxis = 1.0d-4' and the calculation converges for every temperature value. Could there be still a problem of convergence?
Thank you,
Thank you for your email.
The following are my parameters (wscut = 0.4):
Code: Select all
nsiter = 500
conv_thr_iaxis = 1.0d-4
degaussw = 0.04 ! eV ~ 1/4 of fsthick
wscut = 0.4 ! eV 10 times of Upper limit over frequency integration/summation in the Elisashberg eq(1 cm-1 ~ 1/8000 eV)
fsthick = 0.5 ! eV ~ 4 times the maximum phonon frequency
muc = 0.1
eps_acustic = 0.1 ! Lowest boundary for the phonon frequency
ephwrite = .true. ! Writes .ephmat files used when Eliasberg = .true.
nsmear = 1
delta_smear = 0.01 ! eV 0.04
degaussq = 0.15 ! meV
nqstep = 500
As you may see I set ' conv_thr_iaxis = 1.0d-4' and the calculation converges for every temperature value. Could there be still a problem of convergence?
Thank you,
Re: Inconsistent behavior of quasiparticle DOS with increasing temperature
I set 'nswi = 150' which is equal to for 5K. The result is not changing, still the peak shifts in the right with increasing temperature. Ia m attaching the input,
The phonon dos (calculated from epw calculations) plot is also attached.
I set 'nswi = 150' which is equal to for 5K. The result is not changing, still the peak shifts in the right with increasing temperature. Ia m attaching the input,
Code: Select all
eps_acustic = 0.1 ! Lowest boundary for the phonon frequency
ephwrite = .true. ! Writes .ephmat files used when Eliasberg = .true.
nsmear = 1
delta_smear = 0.01 ! eV 0.04
degaussq = 0.15 ! meV
nqstep = 500
eliashberg = .true.
fermi_plot = .true.
conv_thr_iaxis = 1.0d-4
nsiter = 500
degaussw = 0.04 ! eV ~ 1/4 of fsthick
!wscut = 0.4 ! eV 10 times of Upper limit over frequency integration/summation in the Elisashberg eq(1 cm-1 ~ 1/8000 eV)
fsthick = 0.5 ! eV ~ 4 times the maximum phonon frequency
muc = 0.1
nswi = 150
dvscf_dir = '../ph11/save'
nk1 = 24
nk2 = 24
nk3 = 1
nq1 = 6
nq2 = 6
nq3 = 1
mp_mesh_k = .true.
nkf1 = 120
nkf2 = 120
nkf3 = 1
nqf1 = 60
nqf2 = 60
nqf3 = 1
The phonon dos (calculated from epw calculations) plot is also attached.
- Attachments
- Screenshot from 2023-09-17 11-32-20.png (7.51 KiB) Viewed 22230 times
- Screenshot from 2023-09-17 11-25-43.png (10.88 KiB) Viewed 22230 times
Re: Inconsistent behavior of quasiparticle DOS with increasing temperature
Could someone help with the issue? I am still unable to resolve it.
I used dense fine grids as well 120x120x1 for both k and q points in my epw calculations still same results. Played with other parameters to but no success.
I used dense fine grids as well 120x120x1 for both k and q points in my epw calculations still same results. Played with other parameters to but no success.