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Fortran runtime error: End of file

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:14 am
by harishpvv
Dear developers and users,

This error came just after wannierization

Code: Select all

     WANNIER      :     13.39s CPU     13.66s WALL (       1 calls)
At line 201 of file elphon_shuffle_wrap.f90 (unit = 5, file = '')
Fortran runtime error: End of file

I used 8 8 4 coarse k,q and 32 32 16 fine k,q grids

my input

Code: Select all

    prefix = 'AlB2'                                                              
outdir = '/home/harish/alb2/scf/'                                                
asr_typ = 'simple'                                                               
dvscf_dir = '/home/harish/alb2/epw/save'                                         
eliashberg = .true.                                                              
elph = .true.                                                                    
fsthick = 0.3                                                                    
kmaps = .false.                                                                  
epbwrite = .true.                                                                
wannierize = .true.                                                              
proj(1) = 'random'                                                               
ephwrite = .true.                                                                
iverbosity = 2                                                                   
laniso = .true.                                                                  
limag = .true.                                                                   
lpade = .true.                                                                   
nstemp = 7                                                                       
temps = 1.0 7.0                                                                  
muc = 0.16                                                                       
nk1 = 8                                                                          
nk2 = 8                                                                          
nk3 = 4                                                                          
nq1 = 8                                                                          
nq2 = 8                                                                          
nq3 = 4                                                                          
mp_mesh_k = .true.                                                               
nkf1 = 32                                                                        
nkf2 = 32                                                                        
nkf3 = 16                                                                        
nqf1 = 32                                                                        
nqf2 = 32                                                                                                                                                                                                            
nqf3 = 16                                                                        
efermi_read = .true.                                                             
fermi_energy = 13.5465                                                           
bands_skipped = 'exclude_bands=1-6,11-13'                                        
nbndsub = 4                                                                      
num_iter = 500                                                                   
broyden_beta = 0.3                                                               
epbread = .false.                                                                
ep_coupling = .true.                                                             
wscut = 0.5                                                                      
nsiter = 500                                                                     
    wdata(1) = 'kmesh_tol = 1e-5'                                                
Can anyone help in this regard?

Re: Fortran runtime error: End of file

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:45 pm
by hlee
Dear harishpvv:

It seems that you are using the old versions of EPW (older than EPW v5.3).
Since you didn't include the q-point list in, you have to use the recent versions (>= v5.3) of EPW.
See the page at .


H. Lee